I can't help but hum that song in Dumbo every time I make an elephant cake. Little miss Eva is brand new to the world and this is her cake....so sorry that these photos are so terribly awful, they don't do the elephants or miss Eva justice.
Jackson turned 2 and his darling invitations inspired this little farm scene. Normally I don't get to see the "set-up" but last Saturday I did, and lets just say I wish I had been 2! His mother had transformed their row home into a charming farm complete with baby animal petting zoo! (sorry didn't grab pics of that...just the cake, the chicks were my favorite,obviously)
Welcome to the world little Miss Maye. This past weekend I returned to DC and got to make this cake for baby Maye. Loads of fondant, harsh lines and crowding just seem wrong for baby cakes, they should be soft and cozy.